The Request object retrieves the information sent with the HTTP request.
Use req.params(name)
to access a path parameter.
Spark.get("/book/:id", (req, res) -> "received ID " + req.params("id"));
Use req.params()
for getting all parameters as Map.
Use req.splat()
to access the wildcard path parameters.
A message sent using e.g. the POST verb can be retrieved using req.body()
(or req.bodyAsBytes()
Use req.queryParams(name)
to access a query parameter that is part of the URL:
req.queryParams("name"); // = "value"
req.queryParams("name2"); // = "value2"
is also used for form data sent e.g. by a POST message.
See Javadoc for more query... methods.
Use req.cookies()
or req.cookie(name)
to read cookies. The Response object has methods for writing cookies.
Use req.session([create])
to read/write session attributes.
See Javadoc for other methods, especially for getting information about the request.
The Response object receives the response data.
Using the res.redirect(path)
method, the client (browser) can be redirected to a new URL. For creating route aliases you
can use the Redirect API
using import static spark.Spark.redirect
. Example: redirect.get("/old-path", "/v2/new-path");
Use res.status(int)
for setting the response HTTP status code (Wikipedia),
e.g. req.status(401);
Use res.type(mimeType)
for setting the content type of the response.