Spark project rules


  • Java 17 syntax
  • No wildcards in import lines.
  • Closing { at end of line.
  • Use spaces instead of tabs.
  • example: Write one space before and after brackets in the if or for command.
    bad: if(a==b){
    good: if (a == b) {
  • Use @Override annotation.
  • Test case class name must end with 'Test'.
  • Commit messages should not contain mail addresses.

Processing a pull request from a maintainer

  • Tests ok?
  • Code-review by other maintainer
  • Author squashes or merges the PR into the master

Processing a pull request from a contributor

  • Tests ok?
  • Code-review by one maintainer
  • Maintainer squashes or merges the PR into the master

How to update the documentation

The Markdown source files are in folder /docs. If you create a PR update these files.

How to release the documentation: The Java tool "sitegen" is used to produce HTML files in the folder /docs. Commit and push these files. Then a Github action is triggered to publish these pages to the Github Pages based Spark homepage.

How to call sitegen:

  1. Clone the sitegen repository to your IDE.
  2. Build it using gradlew iD.
  3. Write a little batch file or shell script to call the sitegen tool.
    • /docs-source/b.bat for Windows: <path-to-sitegen>\build\install\sitegen\bin\sitegen.bat . ../docs
    • /docs-source/b for Mac: <path-to-sitegen>/build/install/sitegen/bin/sitegen . ../docs
  4. After modifing a docs-source file call that script from inside the docs-source folder.

Update file 'toc' if you have added a Markdown file. The first expression is the title in quotes, then a space and after that the filename without an extension.

Sitegen TO-DO

  • Dark theme and new Spark logo
  • Java syntax highlighting